ANNUAL REPORT 2013 From innovation to the achievements Contacts

Financial Statements for the year 2013

Balance sheet as at December 31, 2013
Form under OKUD 0710001
Date (day, month, year) 31 12 2013
Organization TVEL Joint Stock Company under OKPO 45046040
Taxpayer Identification Number TIN 7706123550
Type of business Production of nuclear fuel under OKVED 23.30
Form of incorporation/form of ownership Joint Stock Company under OKОPF/OKFS 12247 16
Measurement unit: in Thous RUB under OKEI 384
Location (address) Bld.24, Bolshaya Ordynka st., Moscow, 119017

Comments Index description Code As on December 31,
As on December 31,
As on December 31,
I. Non-current assets
4.1,4.9 Intangible assets 1110 744,233 418,026 28,685
4.2,4.9 Results of research and development 1120 1,758,298 1,768,853 1,227,845
4.3 Fixed assets 1150 301,118 264,814 299,510
Buildings, vehicles, equipment etc. 1151 286,641 213,382 285,025
Capital investments in progress 1152 13,991 1,092 11,752
4.9 Advances to suppliers 1153 486 50,340 2,733
4.3,4.9 Income-bearing investments in tangibles 1160 2,488,089 2,823,171 3,194,114
4.6 Financial investments 1170 229,717,502 227,731,322 223,288,158
4.18 Deferred tax assets 1180 - - 79 459
4.4 Other non-current assets 1190 1,769,667 1,879,439 1,366,983
Total for section 1 1100 236,778,907 234,885,625 229,484,754
II. Current assets
4.5 Stock 1210 85,822,038 70,010,415 55,523,371
Raw, materials and other similar assets 1211 7,809,561 8,913,840 4,709,306
Work in progress expenditures 1212 62,859,501 49,505,259 37,840,454
Finished products and goods for resale 1213 15,152,976 11,418,279 12,973,611
Shipped goods 1214 - 173 037 -
Prepaid expenses 1215 - - -
Not presented for payment but accrued revenue 1216 - - -
Other stock and expenses 1217 - - -
Value added tax on aquired assets 1220 11,356,957 9,059,577 7,701,108
4.9 Accounts receivable 1230 19,780,606 16,784,840 12,084,951
Long-term accounts receivable - total 1231 1,106,542 262,814 361,113
Settlements with buyers and customers 1232 44,424 76,178 107,932
Advances made 1233 5,105 - -
Other debitors 1234 1,057,013 186,636 253,181
Short-term accounts receivable - total 1235 18,674,064 16,522,026 11,723,838
Settlements with buyers and customers 1236 6,476,450 11,067,812 6,528,734
Advances made 1237 3,607,282 2,455,638 2,931,694
Other debitors 1238 8,590,332 2,998,576 2,263,410
4.6 Financial investments 1240 547,687 3,454,314 2,844,650
4.8 Cash 1250 2,390,128 4,382,332 4,747,646
Other current assets 1260 200,709 1,101,254 918,068
Total for section II 1200 120,098,125 104,792,732 83,819,794
Balance 1600 356,877,032 339,678,357 313,304,548

III. Capital, and reserves
Equity capital (pooled capital, collective capital, contribution of partners) 1310 22,962 22,962 22,962
Own shares redeemed from shareholders 1320 (-) (-) (-)
Revaluation of non-current assets 1340 - - -
Added capital (without revaluation) 1350 181,524,792 181,735,153 181,735,316
Reserve capital 1360 8,972 26,798 25,538
4.16 Reserves formed in accordance with legislation 1361 7,824 25,650 24,390
Reserves formed in accordance with founding documents 1362 1,148 1,148 1,148
Undistributed profit (uncovered loss) 1370 89,864,036 91,676,694 92,083,860
Total for section III 1300 271,420,762 273,461,607 273,867,676
IV. Long-term Liabilities
Borrowed funds 1410 7,993,031 3,735,233 -
Deferred tax liabilities 1420 122,375 174,975 -
Estimated liabilities 1430 - - -
Other liabilities 1450 981,324 586,912 -
Total for section IV 1400 9,096,730 4,497,120 -
V. Short-term Liabilities
4.15 Borrowed funds 1510 33,732,964 27,910,479 11,956,933
4.12 Accounts payable 1520 41,488,165 32,519,968 26,802,261
Suppliers and contractors 1521 22,100,035 14,441,780 8,055,076
Advances received 1522 16,663,672 17,820,789 18,702,484
Accounts payable to employees 1523 191 611 275
Accounts payable to state non-budget bodies 1524 - - -
Accounts payable in respect of taxes and levies 1525 14,624 70,901 16,572
Other creditors 1526 2,709,643 185,887 27,854
4.11 Deferred income 1530 8,043 8,592 16,997
4.17 Estimated liabilities 1540 817,893 1,224,600 644,847
Other liabilities 1550 312,475 55,991 15,834
Total for section V 1500 76,359,540 61,719,630 39,436,872
Balance 1700 356,877,032 339,678,357 313,304,548

Profit and Loss Statement for the year 2013
Form under OKUD 0710002
Date (day, month, year) 31 12 2013
Organization TVEL Joint Stock Company under OKPO 45046040
Taxpayer Identification Number TIN 7706123550
Type of business Production of nuclear fuel under OKVED 23.30
Form of incorporation/form of ownership Joint Stock Company under OKОPF/OKFS 12247 16
Measurement unit: in Thous RUB under OKEI 384
Location (address) Bld.24, Bolshaya Ordynka st., Moscow, 119017

Comments Index description Code As on December 31,
As on December 31,
4.19 Proceeds, including 2110 106,701,619 102,758,386
proceeds from sale of own products 87,398,527 78,394,400
proceeds from sale of goods (-) (-)
proceeds from carrying outwork, rendering services 15,870,724 21,233,887
4.19 Prime cost of sales, including 2120 (75,722,527) (70,515,682)
prime cost of sales of own products (57,891,889) (50,484,780)
prime cost of sales of goods (-) (-)
prime cost of carrying out work, rendering services (14,989,136) (17,822,826)
Gross profit (loss) 2100 30,979,092 32,242,704
4.19 Commercial expenses 2210 (1,302,238) (1,405,774)
4.19 Management expenses 2220 (6,803,476) (5,228,577)
Sales profit (loss) 2200 22,873,378 25,608,353
4.20 Income from participation in other entities 2310 4,150,891 515,740
4.20 Interest receivable 2320 457,967 326,448
4.20 Interest payable 2330 (1,697,016) (979,779)
4.20 Other income, including 2340 867,122 3,769,534
Income from lease out of fixed assets (net) Long lead equipment 467,550 493,572
Income from revaluation of securities at market value - 860,397
Income from currency differences on liabilities and assets in foreign currency 765,174
Income from property and monetary assets from federal, regional and local budget (financial activities) 574,127
Income from currency purchase and sale transactions 64,090 -
Income from inventory surplus and other property as a result of inventory check 240,655 239,495
Other income (net) - 258,144
4.20 Other expenses, including 2350 (6,295,796) (5,111,530)
Expenses associated with lease out of fixed assets (348,486) (355,183)
Expenses for provisions for financial investments impairment (-) (2,359,351)
Expenses from currency differences on liabilities and assets in foreign currency (1,353,059) (-)
Expenses from revaluation of securities at market value (2,150,397) (-)
Expenses for charity and voluntary contributions (-) (395,230)
Expenses for R&D and design and survey work (1,242,176) (918,502)
Expenses from tax claims (-) (471,534)
Other expenses (367,743) (-)
Income (loss) before tax 2300 20,356,546 24,128,766
Current profit tax 2410 (3,632,569) (4,794,844)
4.18 including standing tax liabilities (assets) 2421 (3 38,492) (326,016)
4.18 Variation of deferred tax liabilities 2430 1,172 (126,612)
4.18 Variation of deferred tax assets 2450 51,428 (127,822)
Other 2460 (104,508) (-)
Redistribution of profit tax within consolidated group of taxpayers 2465 452,761
Net profit (loss) 2400 17,124,830 19,079,488
For reference only
Result of revaluation of non-current assets not to be included in net profit (loss) of the period 2510
Result of other operations not to be included in net profit (loss) of the period 2520 (210,361) (162)
Cumulative financial result for the period8 2500 16,914,469 19,079,326
4.21 Basic earnings (loss) per share 2900 1 1
Diluted earnings (loss) per share 2910

Capital Statement for the year 2013
Form under OKUD 0710003
Date (day, month, year) 31 12 2013
Organization TVEL Joint Stock Company under OKPO 45046040
Taxpayer Identification Number TIN 7706123550
Type of business Production of nuclear fuel under OKVED 23.30
Form of incorporation/form of ownership Joint Stock Company under OKОPF/OKFS 12247 16
Measurement unit: in Thous RUB under OKEI 384
Location (address) Bld.24, Bolshaya Ordynka st., Moscow, 119017

I. Flow of capital
Index description Code Equity capital Own shares redeemed from shareholders Added capital Reserve capital Undistributed profit (uncovered loss) Total
Value of the capital as of December 31, 2011 3100 22962 181,735,316 25,538 92,083,860, 273,867,676
For the year 2012
Increase of capital - total: 3210 705 2,075,673 19,079,488 21,155,866
including: net profit 3211 19,079,488 19,079,488
revaluation of property 3212
income charged directly to increase of capital 3213 705 2,075,673 2,076,378
additional emission of shares 3214
increase in the par value of shares 3215
reorganization of the legal entity 3216
use of industry-based reserves for investment purposes 3217
Reduction of the capital - total: 3220 (868) (2,074,413) (19,486,654) (21,561,935)
loss 3221
revaluation of property 3222
expenses charged directly to reduction of the capital 3223 (868) (2,074,413) (2,075,281)
decrease in the par value of shares 3224
decrease in the number of shares 3225
reorganization of the legal entity 3226
dividends 3227 (19,486,654) (19,486,654)
Change in the added capital 3230
Change in the reserve capital 3240 -
Value of the capital as on December 31, 2012 3200 22,962 181,735,153 26,798 91,676,694 273,461,607

For the year 2013
Increase of the capital - total: 3310 - - 394,731 3,384,125 17,124,830 20,903,686
including: net profit 3311 17,124,830 17,124,830
revaluation of property 3312 -
income charged directly to increase of capital 3313 394,731 3,384,125 3,778,856
additional emission of shares 3314 -
increase in the par value of shares 3315 -
reorganization of the legal entity 3316 -
use of industry-based reserves for investment purposes 3317
Reduction of the capital - total: 3320 (605,092) (3,401,951) (18,937,488) (22,944,531)
loss 3321
revaluation of property 3322 -
expenses charged directly to reduction of the capital 3323 (605,092) (3,401,951) (4,007,043)
decrease in the par value of shares 3324 -
decrease in the number of shares 3325 -
reorganization of the legal entity 3326 -
dividends 3327 (18,937,488) (18,937,488)
Change in the added capital 3330 -
Change in the reserve capital 3340
Value of the capital as on December 31, 2013 3300 22,962 181,524,792 8,972 89,864,036 271,420,762
II. Corrections due to change in the accounting poLicy and elimination of errors
Index description As of December 31, 2011 Changes in the capital for 2012 As of December 31, 2012
on account of the net
profit (loss)
based on other
Capital - total
before corrections -
correction due to: change in the accounting policy - -
elimination of errors - -
after corrections - -

undistributed profit (uncovered loss): before corrections
correction due to: change in the accounting policy -
elimination of errors -
after corrections

Other capital items, where corrections were made:
Added capital
before corrections
correction due to: change in the accounting policy
elimination of errors -
after corrections -
Reserve capital
before corrections
correction due to: change in the accounting policy -
elimination of errors -
after corrections
III. Net assets
Index description Code As on December 31, 2013 As on December 31, 2012 As on December 31, 2011
Net assets 3600 271,428,805 273,470,199 273,884,673

Cash Flow Statement for the year 2013
Form under OKUD 0710004
Date (day, month, year) 31 12 2013
Organization TVEL Joint Stock Company under OKPO 45046040
Taxpayer Identification Number TIN 7706123550
Type of business Production of nuclear fuel under OKVED 23.30
Form of incorporation/form of ownership Joint Stock Company under OKОPF/OKFS 12247 16
Measurement unit: in Thous RUB under OKEI 384
Location (address) Bld.24, Bolshaya Ordynka st., Moscow, 119017

Index description Code Over 12 months of 2013 Over 12 months of 2012
Cash flow associated with day-to-day operations
Receipts - total 4110 109,809,008 101,611,222
to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services 4111 109,396,513 98,212,987
from lease payments, license payments, royalty and other similar payments 4112 49,582 49,492
from re-sale of financial investments 4113
other receipts 4119 362,913 3,348,743
Payments - total 4120 (100,191,433) (93,117,115)
to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services 4121 (87,292,384) (80,370,719)
associated with remuneration of employees labour 4122 (1,707,353) (1,580,452)
interest on debt obligations 4123 (1,768,983) (922,066)
corporate profit tax 4124 (4,474,476) (4,576,032)
other payments 4129 (4,948,237) (5,667,846)
Balance of cash flow associated with day-to-day operations 4100 9,617,575 8,494,107

Cash flow associated with investment activities
Receipts - total 4210 38,013,383 9,532,236
from sale of non-current assets (except for financial investments) 4211 91,046 88,588
from sale of shares (participation shares) in other organizations 4212 95,3 34
from return of loans granted, from sale of debt securities (rights of funds claim from third parties) 4213 33,387,077 8,562,630
Dividends, interest from long-term financial investments and similar revenues from share interests in other companies 4214 4,515,309 758,222
other receipts 4219 19,951 27,462
Payments - total 4220 (39,446,025) (19,229,335)
associated with acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for current assets operation 4221 (3,377,339) (4,030,995)
associated with acquisition of shares (participation shares) in other organizations 4222 (5,581,706) (5,991,798)
associated with acquisition of debt securities (rights of funds claim from third parties), loans provision to third parties 4223 (30,480,200) (9,170,982)
interest on debt obligations included in the value of investment asset 4224 () ()
other payments 4229 (6,780) (35,560)
Balance of cash flow associated with investment activities 4200 (1,432,642) (9,697,099)

Cash flow associated with financial activities
Receipts - total 4310 71,791,214 46,950,074
getting credits and loans 4311 71,791,214 46,950,074
owners’ (participants’) money deposits 4312
from issue of shares, increase in participation shares 4313
from issue of bonds, promissory notes and other debt securities and etc. 4314
budgetary provisions and other target financing 4315
other receipts 4319
Payments - total 4320 (82,327,879) (45,954,648)
to owners (participants) due to repurchase their shares or their resignation 4321 ()
for payment of dividends and other payments under distribution of profit in favour of owners (participats) 4322 (18,937,488) (19,486,653)
associated with payment (repurchase) of promissory notes and other debt securities, repayment of credits and loans 4323 (63,390,391) (26,467,995)
other payments 4329 () ()
Balance of cash flow associated with financial operations 4300 (10,536,665) 995,426
Balance of cash flow for the reporting period 4400 (2,351,732) (207,566)
Balance of cash and cash equivalents as of reporting period beginning 4450 4,382,333 4,747,646
Balance of cash and cash equivalents as of reporting period end 4500 2,390,128 4,382,333
Effect of exchange rate changes to ruble 4490 359,528 (157,747)

Annual Report
Transforming ideas into breakthroughs
Chapter 1
Transforming plans into results
Chapter 2
Transforming dreams into reality
Chapter 3
Transforming tasks into successful projects
Chapter 4
Transforming resources into capital